Tom: G "I Sold My Co-Pilot" More Human tabbed by Daaaaaaavid * Well, it makes sense there are no the songs are really hard to pick out by here ya go. Intro: (distortion) e|-------| B|-------| G|-------| D|-5-8-4-| (8x) A|-5-8-4-| E|-3-6-2-| Verse 1: it's kind of hard to hear, so here's my best guess.. (clean) e|-7-7-9-5-5-8-3-6-2-| B|-7-7-9-5-5-8-3-6-2-| G|-7-7-9-5-5-8-3-6-2-| (4x) D|-------------------| A|-------------------| E|-------------------| Chorus 1: (distortion) e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-----5-5-------4-| D|-6-5-5-5-4-4-3-4-| (2x) A|-6-5-3-3-4-4-3-2-| E|-4-3-----2-2-1---| then play the intro part 2 times Verse 2: also hard to hear, but here's my best guess (distortion) e|---- ---- -------| B|---- ---- -------| G|---- ---- -------| (4x) D|-9-11-7-10-5-8-4-| A|-9-11-7-10-5-8-4-| E|-7-9 -5-8 -3-6-2-| Chorus 2: e|---------------| B|---------------| G|-4-----5-5-----| D|-4-3-4-5-5-5-6-| (2x) A|-2-3-4-3-3-5-6-| E|---1-2-----3-4-| Interlude: I (clean) e|------------------------------- |_____ B|-7---7---7---7---7-8----------- | \ G|---7---7---7---7-----8-| -- | D|-----------------------| -- | A|-----------------------| -- | E|-----------------------| -- | |--play 5 times e|-------------------------| -- | B|-7---7---7---7---7-8---8-| -- | G|---7---7---7---7-----8---| -- | D|-------------------------| -- | A|------------------------------- |___/ E|------------------------------- | This next part was especially hard to figure out, so here's another guess.. II (distortion) e|---------------------| B|---------------------| G|-----------5---------| D|-4-7-6-5-4-5-4-7-6-3-| (4x) A|-4-7-6-5-4-3-4-7-6-3-| E|-2-5-4-3-2---2-5-4-1-| then play the Chorus 1 part once and then the Chorus 2 part once ..then there's a short bass break and then into another verse.. play the verse 1 part 4 times then play the II part of the Interlude 4 times and end on this chord: e|---| B|---| G|---| D|-9-| A|-9-| E|-7-|