Enjoy thy respite in the hell of this earth A paradise thou canst not conceive Thine every breath is murder and sin But this world is not thy home Cast into flesh to serve thy lord Cast into flesh to serve only him Never knowing the master's plan Be certain only of thy darkness and death Will thy redeemer come and take thee away? Can eternities of horror turn thy faith into vapour? Since thou wert born, thy flesh knoweth pain Ever since thou canst feel, thou kwowest suffering Beyond pride and endurance, thy soul knoweth fear Know how to fear the wrath of thy God! Alone in the worst moments of thy pain and despair Lamenting thy petty injuries No hope or bliss at the end of the tunnel Thy lord standeth at all ends Excruciating! Excruciating pain! Horror in life Horror in death Hell on earth And from hell to worse! Fools! Thy fates are decided Fallen into the hands of the living God No reward for the faithful, no home for the chossen Thine awareness makes for good sufering The essence of thy soul is unending pain Eternities to purify thy misery Scream thou in vain, for thy lord, carest not Thou shalt never appease his perfection Excruciating! Excruciating pain! Forever