Nox Formulae

Yezidic Nox Formula

Nox Formulae

Radiating vibrations from the regions below
As the inside of earth breathes
Seven centers of power, seven black Nadis, seven towers of Shaitan
Black Vril, the Orgone of the Anti worlds, reveals the lore to
Atlantean awareness

Ya zati shaitan

Hear me now: Open the Shell of Tagaririm
The highest speech of Lucifer transmitting the Barbarous names
Achieve the meta-state of Demonic madness
And Dark Magical Intuition. Strengthening the bonds with the Clan

Ya zati shaitan

The shell of Tagaririm bursts
I am breaking through impossibility
What I seek is the Untold
What I seek is the Unseen
What I seek is the great unknown and the crown of Lucifer