The treachery of gods Pains on your ignorace Put whats left of your hope On something wich the existence is numb Mindless Delife The human Kind A step Backwards To Our Existence The husk of your unconsciousness Insuciptable of true words Pray for your love While time kills you Diabolus benedictus Diabolus benedictus Diabolus benedictus My cite is for you Isn't the truth but it's (quite) enough To give you some notion Of the life you doesn't live Now! Pandemic God Lies of a priest Wants you chained Rearranged Mindless Delife The human Kind A step Backwards To Our Existence On your kness On your kness For his inxistence Tears for myself For my luxiries Thats what it is! Diabolus benedictus Diabolus benedictus Diabolus benedictus