Oh fallen star A darkened light A glory hurtled from its car Self - blasted from the holy height Oh fallen star As froth on the face of the deep As foam on the crest of the sea As dreams at the waking of sleep As harvest that no man shall reap Fallen beyond world´s utmost bar Beyond return - beyond far sight Of outmost glimmering nebular Now blackness which once walked in white Now death , whose life once glowed afar Oh son of dawn that loved the night Oh, fallen star !! Who shall stay their ruinous mess Besotted - reckless Possessed and decoyed They hurry to the dolourous path Is hope that never shall be Oh my god unto thee Saints fall a-weeping who would have enjoyed Sore they weep for a glory that was For a fulness emptied into the void Ah , fallen star - alas alas ! Ref.