Combating my evil passions Break through the symbolic Rise above my limits Through this ascetic lesson Visualize the suffering of Christ Pain is temporary Passion stays forever! Execute this painful exercises Pain is temporary Passion stays forever! I fall down to my knees After the matins and the lauds for Mary! Psalm 6 on my lips Extinguish the candles! The flagellation begins The Miserere and the Gloria Patri De profundis and Requiem aeternam The introit of the Requiem liturgy Being prayed The rope clasped between those fingers I swing it backwards! As the rope hits, it splits the skin One swing follows the other! I imitate the suffering of Christ I pray for relief of my sins and salvation! This sacrifice will purify Will wash me clean from my earthly desires! Combating my evil passions Break through the symbolic Rise above my limits Through this ascetic lesson Visualize the suffering of Christ Pain is temporary Passion stays forever! Execute this painful exercises Pain is temporary Passion stays forever!