The wicked plot unravels, the day of doom Demons ejaculate in the cunts of angels Endless battle roar, endless hate for all Collide, shatter, deform Chants of evil, verses of death Spawn of obscurity You will see blasphemy Ejected from chasity's womb When purity dies, you can't deny Oozing placenta of rotten disgust Women lay with their offspring On the altar of sickness To spew forth abomination of mankind Deformed, corrupt, depraved The dead arise from their graves Deflowering the children of purity Maggot infested Plot revealed Omen of disease Treacherous priest Of blasphemy Kill decency Depravity Day of doom The dead walk the earth You will see blasphemy Cast out from purity's womb When virtue dies, you can't deny The morbid phallus ejects the demon seed Deformed, corrupt, depraved The dead arise from their graves Deflowering the children of purity Maggot infested impiety The wicked plot unravels, the day of doom Demons ejaculate in the cunts of angels