For all to see, open your hands and show the Self surgery, see the scars, trace the seams A heart on a sleeve, and the words, words, hear the words, words as they Repeat the refrain Trying hard to explain He's got it, man, he's covered in it, just look at him One more time, man, you've got it, just do it! He learned how to bleed He learned how to bleed Just look at him The works and the days, squeezing each out another Drop from the stone, one more push, one more groan This is the best, what more can you expect can you see What have you done The prize you have won He's down, but look, he's back up again How does he do it? He learned how to bleed He learned how to bleed Just look at him What a weary way we wend In this world without end You learn to fall and then You learn to stand up again Aquire the skills, gather the will to do it Learn b degrees, learn ist slow, learn it heard It is the art of tearing it apart and when you Know what you know Let it out, let it go No more tricks, ma, we've seen the fakes, just do it! That's it, man, let it out, just do it! He learned how to bleed He learned how to bleed Just look at him