Tom: G N O K T U R N L Tabbed By Aaron Bridgeman (*) http://* KEY ** = Harmonic h = hammer-on p = pull-off MAIN RIFF ** (sounds best clean with a little reverb) e|-----------12------------| B|-----------12------------| G|-----------------4h5p4---| D|-----5--2--------------5-| A|-3-----------------------| E|-------------------------| Play this riff for ages LEAD (sounds best clean with reverb) e|---------------------------------------------------| B|-8--8--8--8---7-7--5-5---8--8--8--8--10-10--12-12--| G|---------------------------------------------------| D|---------------------------------------------------| A|---------------------------------------------------| E|---------------------------------------------------| LYRICS!!! I don't have no respect for you, You can't expect me to, Agree with you coz your veiws ain't true, And I've been havin' a hard time wadin' through your pooh, I throw the shit back and it sticks to you like glue, I spend my time thinkin' and I got to say I wonder, How do you mob think you can pull me under? No patience for fools and no time to lose and of course, I got no respect for you, I stand for something I believe so I stand correct, How can I take you seriously if you don't respect, Livin' to do this - havin' to prove this, Never back down keep my feet on the ground. It's not a game to me - I don't live famously, Get the job done take my soul out painlessly. Now get the feeling that you make the effort aimlessly. Reconciliation doesn't mean "respectoration", Though I got sick of waiting for a minor restoration- And politically correct debate is more than I can stand!!!!!