You're bound by invisible chains Stricken with terror as i spread my black wings Waiting in line one by one No more crucifixions, this is more fun Dreading the thought you must be in hell Choking on vomit, the sickening smell A huge deep razor just paper thin Cuts right down through the bone as i grin Crying innocent wondering why Is this the way that they should die? Lead single file on through the gates On to the slaughter all life i hate Levitation guides their way As the picture's growing clear People being skinned alive Sliding down a huge steep razor Chunks of meat falling to the ground Life's now pain as it turns out Soul awake, a painful gory birth Sliding, still, a shredded skeletal mess Feeling the pain of a thousand paper cuts Gravity forcing the weight of your body Down the throbbing pain of release Dismembering, slicing, down though your soul I scream, in joy as i watch you fall apart While i play in the ribbons of your flesh I bask in the glory of the remains of my victims Your once human form just a pile of life's pain