600 years before Christ The high priest Hilkiah he found a special book It was the Book of the Law of the God of their forefathers And a scribe read it out to the King of Judah So the king, Josia commanded to read it out Before all the inhabitants of Jerusalem And the priests and the prophets All the people, small and great And read in their ears all the words of the Book (Abolition of Idolatry) And the king Josia made a covanant before the almighty God To walk after Him and to keep His commandments With all their heart and all their soul To perform the words of this covenant That was written in the Book And now the king burned all the vessels That were made for Baal He killed all the priests of Baal and also those Who worshipped the sun, the moon, the constellations And he brought out the Ashera Out of the house of the Lord And burned it and ground it into dust After destroying all idolatry The king Josiah commanded all the people saying: Celebrate the Passah to the Lord your God As it is written in the Book of the Covant (Abolition of Idolatry)