I was born to dance, from the south of France But I was bored with my dancing And shy about everything She was standing there, with long dark hair And eyes that signaled a knowing wink With a visa that would last for about a week Chorus My French and Indian War Her schoolmate fellows ignored the arrows And the terror she was trying to impart So she shot me straight into the heart We dreamed at night of great battle fights And forts that we would try to defend And I sighed thinking of the end You've got that look in your eye You want to know the meaning of life "Je ne sais pas" means "I don't know" You've got that look in your mouth You want to know the meaning of it all "Je ne sais pas" means "I don't know" I don't know Indian princess I don't know How can I stay here How can I let you go Please don't show These emotions that you show Girl grab your gun And fight for what you love (Guitar solo that is suppose to make you grab a gun) Chorus