Fall of the modern youth has become an epidemic today Faced with decisions that most lack the maturity to make I've tried to understand the decline in what used to be rational thought Give them an inch and they're taking the whole mile Do what it takes, anything for the thrill Consequence ain't an issue when you don't Have some knowledge on the power of the pill Whispering devil on you shoulder, far from being in the clear Fend of the pressure, the everyday assault by your peers I've tried to understand the decline in what used to be rational thought Give them an inch and they're taking the whole mile Do what it takes, anything for the thrill Consequence ain't an issue when you don't Have some knowledge on the power of the pill Not a clue Ears tuned out to sobriety's call, collision course towards a concrete wall A mad dash, be the first to fall Deteriorate, the organs rot in a manic dissolve (Can you explain your manic dissolve) Visit the m.d. Fake the pain, they'll prescribe the addiction Bottle of money, sick enterprise, now the streets are over-run I've tried to understand the decline in what used to be rational thought Give them an inch and they're taking the whole mile Do what it takes, anything for the thrill Consequence ain't an issue when you don't Have some knowledge on the power of the pill Resolve