Remember having them in the palm of your hand Endless craving, you supplied to their demand Abrasive, cautic, raw, solid, fit to rule Change in vision sought, diminishing fuel Twenty-twenty hindsight look leaning toward retrospect Abandon hope, follow suit, neglecting what you did best An alteration of what you were once all about, quick reversal turned inside and out A liberation of sorts from the diehard support that made you what you are today Salivating they starved, scraps were thrown away Tired of the change in recipe Going against The lucid Unfeigned meaning Behind the name Mistaken expression, false equation Twenty-twenty hindsight look leaning toward retrospect Abandon hope, follow suit, neglecting what you did best What you What you What you You never know just what the changing tide could wash up Possibly the antidote for the curse A reacquaintance of old and combined with the new Rid the doubt worthy of good word Possibilities there, only thing to do, recall what it is that makes you good Mistaken expression, false equation Twenty-twenty hindsight look leaning toward retrospect Abandon hope, follow suit, neglecting what you did best Twenty-twenty hindsight look leaning toward retrospect Abandon hope, follow suit, neglecting what you did best