Before all the frontiers where drawn Before all those old gods where gone The true desire of mankind, was to go on Not your flag, not your class Not your colour, not your cross Will define at all the value that you have We were born to prevail, you are the one that chooses your way Cause being different it’s your fucking right my mate Burning in my heart lives the real desire To help and inspire all those needing for a hand We are here to prove, what’s the simple truth You’re not more than no one, no one’s more than you After the market priced our work After the churches sold our soul We’ll keep on singing for the ones That have no voice Not your flag, not your class Not your colour, not your cross Will define at all the value that you have We were born to prevail, you are the one that chooses your way Cause being different it’s your fucking right my mate This world in hunger The bullets and the anger The lies of politicians Our kids in the militias We are tired of your bullshit We are here to take a stand The clock of life its ticking Because our kind its mankind