you beat yer kids, you beat yer wife, you torture them for yer fucked up lives yer so pathetic, you make me sick, how could anyone be such a prick and when yer lacing into them, does it make you feel more like a man???? its bastards like you who need to prove themselves by putting yer wife and kids through hell sick bastards, sick bastards sick bastards, we'll get you in the end! what makes you think that she deserves the pain that you inflict on her you've made yer family live in fear, how can you look yerself in the mirror if i were you i'd kill myself, and end all this domestic hell for what you do theres no excuse, STOP THE SPOUSAL AND CHILD ABUSE!!! sick bastards, sick bastards sick bastards, we'll get you in the end! you beat the weak to prove you're strong, yer fucked in the head so you dont see whats wrong you've ruined yer wife and childrens lives yer a spineless prick and you deserve to die