Nishino Kana

Grab Bag

Nishino Kana

Oh, love, lip, kisses
Dreamy, writing, songs
Oh i gatta easy habit learn it, move it, caught up baby, got it, shopping
Go to movie, all i want, oh sweet lovely meal

Ima no life ima no way
I'm like a knife, no way
Ima no mama or another way
Kore kara no new days
Ima no life ima no way
I'm gonna go my way
I'm gonna go my way ah-

**grab bag! chance is coming to you once only
Meanwhile you'll know i am the one and only
I'm strong kiri nukeru wa hard situations
Life is filled with glorious so let's have fun now**

***dance dance
And you just come with me
Dance dance
Lets dance with me
Dance dance
You can count on me
Life is filled with glorious so let's have fun now***

Make me laugh now
Issho ni itai n desho?
Do do do dou?
Hang out!!!
Ha ha ha ha!
Chou happy!
Demo chotto matte
Reisei ni think about it
Uwabe kikazatte demo
Is that you?

Ima no life ima no way
My life is like a milky way
Ima no mama or another way
Kore kara no new days
Ima no life ima no way
I'm gonna go my way
I'm gonna go my way ah-

