


You said they made fun
Of your body
Humiliation in your eyes
When you told me
Well I'm gonna find them
Don't you worry
I'll make sure
They're really fucking sorry
You said you're embarassed
Of your body
You told me you think
You're really ugly
Well my love I now you don't see
What I see

Anything that is beautiful
People want to break
And you are beautiful
I'm afraid

Anything that is beautiful
People want to break
And you are beautiful
I'm afraid

You said you're ashamed
Of your body
You'd rather die than show me
But I would love you in any
Foram you'd take

You said that they say you're disgustin
That they told you you were
Fato and unworthy
Well my love I hope you trust me
When I say you have a perfect body

Anything that is beautiful
People want to break
And you are beautiful
I'm afraid

Anything that is beautiful
People want to break
And you are beautiful
I'm afraid