May you be the firebrand of the furnace of the Earth Come ye sons of celestial fire Descend as of Olde! To mix your seed with mortal kind And sire unlawful progeny divine As unto Qayin, at crossed-roads three The bloodline of wisdom, pass unto me For with this, my sacrifice, self unto self, I am led Into the witching fire of Tubal-Qayin! Come ye daughters of ancient night Arise and behold! The path of the blessed serpent bright Fallen from heaven's black light As unto Calmena, at crossed roads three The bloodline of wisdom, pass unto me For with this, my sacrifice, self unto self, I am led To imbibe the envenomed Graal of Lilith! In the brazen citadel, in the hall of flames I call upon thee, goat-angel of the golden horns Master of the primal fire, Azazel-qayin, appear in thy brilliance! O flame breathing daemon and wizardly smith Who forgest the iron weapons of victorious liberation Hearken to me, who am of thy cunning seed The hidden house of Azazel! From the bellow's breath, the flame is born That tempers the blade, forged by the lord The hammer strikes to shape the blade true Through furnace and flame born anew Wielded now with steady left hand To pierce the hearts of woman and man All hail, sword of judgment, cut to the core Strike fear in your enemies, sword of war! Rise, o flame, ever higher Burn to ashes all within this pyre At the forge of Tubal-Qayin Come ye children of forgotten gods born Recall what was told! The promise made in Gardens of Eld When with the wise serpent, converse was held As with Seth, upon the Olde serpent's tree The fourth road of wisdom, shall set me free For with this my sacrifice, self unto self, I am led To embrace death, the master's revelation! A conflagration of all, yet within detritus most foul arises A crown and a might beyond law! Unum adversas omnia, the opposer's path revealed All-otherness resolved and in one thing sealed