Tom: D Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 08:58:20 -0000 From: Nick Gill Man in a shed Taken from the album "Time of no reply" Transcribed by Nick Gill (N*) Tuning: Open G5 (CGCGCG, low to high); it's easier on the strings if you tune to open F5 (Bb,F,Bb,F,Bb,F, low to high) and capo up to 2nd fret (adjust to suit vocal range). Notes: 1. The intro and outro are in straight time, with the main themes and tunes being in swing time (easier to play than to describe; listen to the record to get a better idea). 2. The two straight time sections are, pretty much, in free time, but stick roughly to the tempo of the main tune. 3. The verse section is roughly the same throughout; however, since Nick was a bit of an improviser, it's a case of "take this as a guideline". 4. This particular transcription is taken from his original demo recording, rather than the final cut from "Five Leaves Left"; they're similar, but not identical. Personally, I prefer the solo acoustic version; I think the piano makes it sound a bit too jolly and hearty, and the bass part (while being great) detracts from the descending bass on the acoustic. Anyway, you can make your own minds up. (5)-grace note s-slide h-hammer on p-pull off b-bend rp- repick notes Intro: (straight time) G:-------------------0----------------|------------------------------------| C:-------------0-0-------0-----0------|-------------0-------0-------0------| G:-----------0---------------0---2----|-----------0-------0-------0---2----| C:---------4-------3---3---2-------0--|---------4-------3-------2-------0--| G:-2-(2)s4-----4-3---3---2------------|-2-(2)s4-------3-------2------------| C:-------------------------------0----|-------------------------------0----| Verse: (swing time) G:-----------------------0--------|--------------------------| C:-----------------0--------------|--0--------0--------------| G:--------------0-----------0-----|--------0-----2-----------| C:-----------4--------3--------3--|-----2-----------0-----0--| G:--(2)-s-4--------3-----3--------|--2-----------------2-----| C:--------------------------------|--------------0-----------| Chorus: (swing time) G:-----------------------0--------|-----------0--------------| C:-----------------0--------------|--0-----------0-----------| G:--------------0-----0-----0-----|-----0--------------------| C:-----------5-----------------5--|--------4--------4-----4--| G:--(2)-s-5--------5-----5--------|--4--------4--------4-----| C:--------------------------------|--------------------------|