


Tom: Db

.  - palm mute           /  - slide up to
\  - slide down to       ~  - vibrato
h  - hammer on           b  - Bend
p  - pull off            Suffixes for bend
t  - tap                 f  - full bend    h - half bend
ph - pinched harmonic    q  - quarter bend t - tap bend
*  - see comment         ^  - Hold bend    r release bend
x  - Stuccatto           ~  - vibrato bend
,  - slight palm mute    () - ghost note, sustained note
"  - tremolo note        <> - Trill

Tunning Eb Ab Db Gb Bb Eb


Guitar 1: Acoustic-Flamenco style feel

Guitar 2: Electric-Small bit of echo
|--Artificial Harms-^-----------------------------------------------|



|  I've spaced out the chords in the rythm so you can maybe get a   |
|better feel of it, listen to the song and match speed with the solo|

Riff 1

Riff 2

riff 3 - there is another guitar in background for rythm

Riff 4:Outro riff


Solo Part one





Solo Part 2




                           /- Drop from the bent 14 down to 13

