No! No more! The face in the mirror is screaming for help Another round, the drink's on me Starting to feel that dizzy warmth A weird smile, a feeling of joy Just like the calm before the storm But then the image starts to break Mist covers your star-filled eyes The floor spins out of control Darkness comes, so say goodbye Crucified on your own bed Or in a park bench in the sun If you remembered, you'd wish to forget But the damage can't be undone White mouse says: "follow me! Fuck the world, you can be free, Be outspoken, party like hell Just a sip to uphold the spell! You'll be great, you'll be a star, You've never been so popular!" But when the dawn blasts through nighttime Only the spew on your shoes still shines No! No more! The face in the mirror is screaming for help The night's the worst, your body shakes Sleep doesn't come, the eyes won't close You start to cry, 'cause you realize Your body screams for another dose Sit in the shower for hours on end You're so afraid to leave the house You're sick and tired of this shit Damn it to hell, fuck the white mouse Truth dawns on you like a thousand suns You have been served with a sour dish If this can't be finished and done At least keep it on a short leash No! No more! Keep the white mouse on a leash! Fuck it End it Don't you Lose it If you Use it Don't Abuse it