
Moving With You



Right here
Is paradise
So close
Face to face side by side
Every breath we take together
I don't never wanna stop

Moving with you x9

(Night and day and every moment afternoon from dusk till dawn well in the evening on a weekend every hour each minute
I don't want to stop moving with you)

Right here
Eye to eye
We're so close to heaven
Deep inside, yeah
As our hearts beat together
I dont ever wanna stop

Moving with you

(Night and day and every moment afternoon from dusk till dawn well in the evening on a weekend every hour each minute
I don't want to stop moving with you)


Moving with you...


(Night and day and every moment afternoon from dusk till dawn well in the evening on a weekend every hour each minute
I don't want to stop moving with you)

Moving with you

(Night and day and every moment afternoon from dusk till dawn well in the evening on a weekend every hour each minute
I don't want to stop moving with you)

Moving with you
