A convict on the platform, mob's eye With mourner's cry, world is giving way Under his foots Lost in crow's squall Stout halter Fat hangman Linen masks Souse sutler's face with wine The soldiery beat the drums By pack of cards, king passed Judgement: "When the drum plays, then a head will Fall down" Army marches in dust And glory, honour and respect, salute Morning execution, every-day scene With mourner's cry, with the halter and Mask More informally, nearer convict Nearer the priest with rosary The soldiery beat the drums In accordance with thumping rhythm To love the beautiful and discover it in Ourselves And glory, honour and respect, salute To rouse the mob, king passed Judgement: "When the drum plays, then a head will Fall down" War crimes ain't civilization Revenge or metamorphosis? Strategy of the new better time.