Primal Chaos Layers the ability to pass undisturbed Restructuring frames of thought Blazing all that does not follow icons Within this scrupulous cold calculating mind Emotional fluids gushes, staying focused on silent hate Perspectives morphing, universe falling into chaos Being receptive to all that triggers Creativity and every aspect that can be isolated Not basing anything, just opposing everything This everquestionning process injected in primal disharmony There is no culminating point, experience is biased Events dont necesseraly affect the spirit One may feel depressed in a state of mind And on the next awakening might feel light-hearted This excrusiating feeling of losing harmony Layers of emotions that covets reality The seeds of emptiness emblazoned in chaos layers How can we plan evolution? Cause to effect becomes obsolete Were left to react on a momments essence Or endlessly analyse every dissociation present I dont seem to be able to drown myself in sufficiency What reflects in solitude Is a method to not lose the grasp of the I For chaos indeed corrupts the weak And therefor creation unveils a striking flaw For a mind that seeks perfection Understands that he may not substract himself From basic laws that clusters reality in its whole What is subsequent is a spiritual nightmare Are you the product of what you aspire? and what you can manage to be fueled by daily, tiny sparks of hope Processed by your brain to give an impression of linear evolution, revolving around events