Quarta nova luna est anni zorg et baazgor Impetum facturus est in arcem kamuth. Tenebrarum amplexus ad continendum exercitum Sulphureum non sufficit. Vigiliae ad arma conclamant et statim oleum Fervidum de moenibus manat, cum caelum Plurimis telis missis a sagittariis illustratur. Tenax est patientia humana sed nihil potest Contra arefe's lapidis consumptores qui suis Validis maxillis kamuth devorant. [the assault of the fourth newmoon] It's the fourth newmoon of the zorg's year and Baazgor is ready to attack the citadel of Kamuth, last human stronghold. The embrace of darkness isn't enough to contain The sulphurous army. The sentinels give warning and suddenly boiling Oil strains from the walls While the sky is illuminated by hundreds of Darts flaying by the elves archer.