I remember When the horns of war ralled the brave to battle I remember The times when honor ruled our souls and loyalty was the only law The young men looked for the secret of steel By the paths of war Riding towards the foreign lands searching for the spoils of war With the banners fluttering with the wind And the symbols of our clan. The glory dreamed came through battle and our legends were told By the minstrels at the light of the bonfires As with the horns full of wine The warriors rest Listening to the heroes' deeds. I remember When the druids hailed the sun for the solstice dawn And how in Beltaine's Night the old wicker man burned As same as every year in the forests and cliffs... Honouring the Pagan Gods of my Race. Time has passed and now I await, old and wounded, the call of Neton Black ravens fly across the sky with the vultures, they come to take my soul With the sword in my hand I say goodbye to this land Land of my parents and forefathers With pride I watch the forests and plains of Iberia, where I lived and died. From the sky I now see my lifeless body I see through the eyes of the Battleraven, Messenger of the Gods of the warriors, Who guides me towards his hall in the high of the sky Towards the home of the braves... Where rest the warriors of my folk. HAIL IBERIA