Dark clouds fill the sky, banishing sunlight to the shadows of the night And wrathful storm comes, born of the anger of the gods From her throne in the mountain, Taranis strikes the firmament Unchaining the fury of the thunder that resounds in the valleys With December winds came the winter days Magic and mystic the trees arise like keepers of time Forgotten in their lonely reigns of silence Under the frozen moon, the hidden people comes out in solstice days From the entrails of the earth, far from profane eyes And with the snow flakes the tree spirits dance Caressing the cold air of the winter nights Secret eyes watch from the oaks Today is the sacrifice; the magic blood will feed the gods Under the druid's dagger the children of the earth celebrate their rites Which offends God's eyes in blasphemy Between the hills sunlight dies slowly and the darkness of the night are victorious Now it rules the white spirit that fills everything with his frozen cloak Mystic and magic open his gates to the everlasting realm When snow falls in the forest In cold winter days