Tom: C C F Not to say were not fortunate to be born C F to a world that encourages us to grow Am G F G but sometimes perpetual motion moves so slow C F Hunger for a change of scenery C F you drive North in search of snow Am were you prepared for certain shadows G F G to follow you everywhere that you go F G Am F G C C F your body's been decaying all this time C F and now it finally starts to show Am and are you having second thoughts G F G about that path that you chose C Now that the fire in your eyes F has burned down like coals C F to a warm consistent glow Am well hey that smoke has cleared G F G you regained the use of your nose F So take take a second now G Am to stop and smell the roses F G just like you never thought you had time C but always thought that you should F G Am At least for now it okay to take life in smaller doses F Something new has come to town G seems like he's doing you good C F And I've come to a new town C F yeah sure it's somewhat the same Am it feels good to be aware of G F G but still not focused on the cause behind that pain C F And sometimes when the mood is right it feels C F like every inch and nothings changed Am G but in some way that not for one second F has stayed the same F (stop) So you remember to eat dinner remember to feel better Am remember your friends G they'll think that you forgot them F G if you only write secret letters C F Remember not to focus on C F those feelings that you lack Am G C F C You just might give yourself a heart attack