Yes the battleships shall blaze once more The thunders of our revival shall crack once more Through the giant cannons of our battleships Our troops will storm once more Unto the south and unto the north We'll crush the enemy and establish the new order The time has come The ancient race of sodom is declined and corrupted Our bodies are filthy and infected Never had we been so dirty Demonic Beast - men suppress us from high above Slaughtering us without conscience Why don't you seek a hell in the other world? As not hell the world we live in And the one that burns within us? From within the celebrations of the unchained divine man We can conquer the whole world The fire could burn Until sparks burst from the barrels of our battleships The time has come The ancient race of sodom is declined and corrupted Our bodies are filthy and infected Never had we been so dirty And the gunshots shall blaze And order restored A new clergy shall rise in the land of Sangreal Shall rise from the ancient soil And shall chain the apes of sodom