
The ultimate dark


Wake up tomorrow it's too late 
We can't get away from that it's our fate 
Our love of ease must come to an end 
We must do something it doesn't help to repent 

Industries have taken their toll 
Carbonic oxide kills our skies 
Don't you hear the trees their call we no longer 
Accept your lies 

Millions of years it took the earth to grow like she is today 
Just a few years we're on yet we did take care for her decay 
If we go on like this you'd better shoot yourself with a gun 
Enjoy your days they might be your last ones in the sun 

What give us the right to exploit and torture mother earth 
This is not how it was meant to be on her days of birth 

So you gotta wake up cause tomorrow it's too late 
We can't move away from her so it's also our fate 
Our love of ease must come to an end 
We must do something it doesn't help to repent 

Carbonic oxide'Nuclear waste'Killing forest'Acid rain 

We must join hands must forget our disagreements 
Together we must fight this suicide make it stop 
Cause if we go on like this you'd better shoot 
Yourself with a gun 
Enjoy your days they might be your last ones in the sun 
