I’m searching you in the sky I need your souls to let me try Flying with you every where Your ancient path is my way I need your bodies beside me I need your wings fly over me I need to feel your freedom life My life is nothing without your black faces I can feel the mean of the true dark I can feel your need to my suffer It’s the meaning for your haggard I’m waiting you in my dark forest Join with me my loneliness worst My path with you ignoring the others It’s the meaning your darkness careers To let me know your different alerts Let me listen to your hinders voices To let me gathered my darkness power I’m going to your bare trees To setting there all my loneliest days I feel your coming to share my suffer Inside my dark ignoring the others Fly over me Standing on my tied Surround my body your souls feel with my dark I’m looking all the time to the cold lack To feel the cold inside and the bloody fake I feel with cold of my white hands They lust to the blood of my ancient land I’m looking to them bare trees To feel my filthy bloody nails There’s nothing better than my dark To find my self with my darkness crows Louche of the dead from thousands years It’s an abandoned land between the trees Crows of death fly over me Standing on my body surround of me I need your souls in my dark To feel my suffer all my time Crows of death inside my body Control my mind to the darkness path Flying over me surround my body Your darkness path my ancient glory You are my symbol of wisdom Your souls is my immortal life I can feel the mean of the true dark I can feel your need to my suffer It’s the meaning for your haggard I’m waiting you in my dark forest Join with me my loneliness worst My path with you ignoring the others It’s the meaning your darkness careers To let me know your different alerts [Speech:] Now I feel my life With them darkness bodies Listening to them hinders voices Crows of death standing on the bare trees Surrounding the bloody forsaken darkness breed Louche of the dead from thousands years It’s an abandoned land between the trees