Look! Golden rays bringing death through the ozone layer how long? Today, may be tomorrow you'll feel the pain of burned coal. Why? You know it's not too late yet. Don't ask me and reflect on that. Is there a chance to reverse that heat? Yeah, you know but you keep aloof from it. For what to live a modest life? Future generations will have to manage that all. What in case we're that generation what in case we'll be those who will have to pay for? Futures in future wake up! Realize how important this day is for our hope today, not tomorrow! Now, not in a while now here's a time to say stop-never more, just living' let's go living now. Now we all can stuff that killing hole otherwise yesterday needn't be tomorrow. We all desire future to leave the human race even you say 'yeah!' So stop that mortal rays and do your best to help today to become tomorrow. There's nothing more to say, just stop them, that's all.