Tom: D

Its a bad idea, 
          D                                                         A
to go down to the pier by your self after dark.
It's a bad idea, 
cause they're down on their luck
and they've lost touch with their bleeding hearts.
                      D                                         A 
Bad idea, cause i've felt that way and i know i shouldn't have gone.
                          D                                   A
the time is near, to come forward with whatever killed your spark.
A    Bm         D  Bm       A
There's still time,  for you,
     Bm         D        Bm              A
to change your mind or whatever else you do.
A    Bm         D  Bm  A    Bm D 
there's still time. whosaa!!! 

                (A         D)                                                                                      (Bm      G      D  )

e|--7-5-5-7-5-5-7-5-9-5-5-9-5-5-9-5-----|                                e|-------------------------------------------------|
B|----------------------------------------------|                               B|-----7-7-7-7-7-8-8-8-8-8-7-7-3--5-7-3----|     
G|----------------------------------------------|                               G|-------------------------------------------------|                 
D|----------------------------------------------|                                D|-------------------------------------------------|    
A|----------------------------------------------|                               A|-------------------------------------------------|        
E|----------------------------------------------|                                E|-------------------------------------------------|