Tom: Db Standard tuning Heres the intro with the bass part that starts the song. I'll show the bass note as a *(its an E#). -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- -----------------------10-8---8-6-----6-8-10 ------6------8------10-10-8-8-8-6-6-3-6-8-10 ------6------8------10-8--6-8-6-4-6-3-4-6-8- ******4******6******8-------6-----4-1------- Verse ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- 33333333-6666-888 x6? 33333333-6666-888 11111111-4444-666 Chorus ------------ ------------ ------------ 3-8-66666666 3-8-66666666 1-6-44444444 After the chorus the verse guitar part is played with no singing. At the end of this part before Mike comes in singing there is a thing the guitar does that i'll just call "the outro to the next verse". (listen to the song you'll know what I mean) ------------------------ ------------------------ ----------13-10-8-6-8-10 8-10-8-10-13-10-8-6-8-10 8-10-8-10-11-8--6-4-6-8- 6-8--6-8----------------