I was six years old When the internet came and took a hold Youtube was the first To fully captivate me until I was submersed Oh the internet Stole my life before I knew it, but I’m not upset I’m generation y Yeah we lazy millennials don’t even try Because my life is online I gain validation from the likes on a vine Oh yeah my life’s onlineeeee 13 reposts? What the, whatever, fine Tumblr came along A little weird but still good for this song I even tried ask.fm Asked my own questions, friends? I didn’t have them I scroll thru facebook One can be impressive with political I can’t forget snapchat The filters clear my acne, though I look like a rat If I wanna know what I did last week I can just go look on my twitter feed If my self-esteem’s low I’ll go find some good lighting Upload my face on insta, oh how exciting Because my life is online I gain validation from the likes on a vine Oh yeah my life’s onlineeeee 13 repost? Okay, what the hell, it’s not fine