Chorus: Roll your fin over and look out to sea Young lassie that's where that I think you should be It's not that I don't think you're pretty, I do But in bed with you dear I just haven't a clue With her long blond hair and her big grey eyes… Wait a minute… Grey eyes? Yea, it was kind of weird In a sexy sort of way Her washboard abs and her scale laden thighs… Scale laden thighs? That's disgusting mate. She swam at our keel with the greatest of ease A natural acrobat of the seas Acrobat eh? What'd she do, flips and turns and dives? Like a dolphin. Yea, and you should've seen her in the bedroom Like a fish out of water I bet Flopping around and what-not Chorus With an hour glass figure I couldn't resist And hair that flowed over her milky white… Shoulders? Yea, something like that. With beauty I'd not yet seen in my life You need to get out more, mate. I took a fish home and made her my wife. You're a sick man! Chorus Happy and married honeymoon we did go I tailed her my flipper and took her in tow You did what? I started to have me way with her Showed her your bait and tackle did you Wait a minute, she's a fish! Yea, well that's where it got a bit tricky. I tried and I tried, didn't know what to do I hadn't yet thought it that far through That's the first thing I thought of Yea, me too We making love is all that I wished Try that with half human half fish Ohhhh Chorus Now that she's gone, I really miss her I long for her touch, and longing to kiss her. Ah, cheer up mate. There's other fish in the sea. You're a real funny guy If I had her again I'd go one more round And this time I'd have her go….. See, now you're thinking mate. Chorus x2: Bah, mermaids. Can't swim with'em, can't live with'em Perhaps you should raise your standards You know, I heard that mermaids can change to humans anytime they want. What?! No, no, actually that's true, they just can't turn back into mermaids after that. She never told me that Never trust a fish, mate. Come on guys, how am I going to get her back? I don't know, throw out a line? Dangle your bait and tackle? You know, I think I was with a mermaid once. What do you mean you think. You don't know? Well… she smelled fishy. Ohhhhhhhhh What?