I once new man with a heart of gold, a fine young lad was he Grew up on the streets of Liverpool town, could fight since he was three He was broad but not harsh or callus in personality And he left on a ship to be a sailor, and never again was seen Chorus: Timmy way oh, Timmy way tidily aye oh Come and sail around the horn Timmy way oh, Timmy way tidily aye oh Ship sets sail on the morn (at dawn) I once new girl from Liverpool town, refined young lass was she Grew up with many servants, court danced since she was three She was blessed with brains and beauty, and a yearning to be free And she left on a ship with a sailor, and never again was seen I once new a man with a hatred for life, and evil bloke was he Grew up loose lipped on a pirate ship, killed a man at age thirteen With a scar on his cheek and a hook for a hand he swore to make history And he attacked the ship full of sailors, and gloated with victory Heed me tale young laddies, and bonnie lasses too I'm not here to scare you, oh but me tales they do ring true Even the pirates life as a sailor, granted his own fate He was killed one night in a mutiny, led by his first mate