ho! for a brave an' a gallant ship, An' a fast an' fav'rin' breeze, With a bully crew an' a captain too To carry me o'er the seas; To carry me o'er the seas, me boys, To me true love far away, For I'm takin' a trip on a Government ship Ten thousand miles away. Chorus: Then blow, ye winds hi ho! An' a-rovin' I will go. I'll stay no more on England's shore To hear the music play I'm off on the bounding main, and I won't be back again For I'm on the move to me own true love Ten thousand miles away. My true love she was beautiful, My true love was young, But she's taken a trip on a Government ship Bound out to Botany Bay, Bound out to Botany Bay, m'boys, An' though she's far away, I'll never forget me own true love, Ten thousand miles away! It was a summer's mornin', When I last had seen me Meg She'd a Government band around each hand An' another one round her leg Oh, another one round her leg, m'boys As the big ship left the bay, "Adieu," said she, "remember me, Ten thousand miles away!" I wish I was a boatswain bold Or a sailor without fear I'd man a boat and away I'd float An' straight to me true love steer; An' straight to me true love steer, m'boys Where the whales an' dolphin play, Where the whales an' sharks are havin' their larks Ten thousand miles away. Oh, the sun may shine through the London fog Or the river run quite clear, Or the ocean brine turn into wine Or I forget my beer Or I forget my beer, m'boys Or the landlord's quarter-pay But I'll never forget me own true love Ten thousand miles away.