Welcome into my darkness Joys simply mixed with sadness See sincerity I reveal Touch decadence that I spill Be impressed by street-lights Be in rapture over night When it rains The world breaks everybody And many find strength In places of fractures And those who don't They fall! "Take care of what you have Reject what you loose " What do you think? "Discover your true desires And form your awareness according to them" I am forsaken I am a challenge I am a message I am my best chance! Oublier je ne puis Et puis apres seulement Now I am so close And yet so far away I am the message of the flicker of hope Somewhere between others which are impossible I am the message of seeking The ability to chase down our dreams I am the message of importance of day That might be lost & might not find it's ray Hope is dead without perseverance One can't stop in the middle of lake of dry tears Welcome into my darkness Joys simply mixed with sadness See sincerity I reveal Touch decadence that I spill Be impressed by street-lights Be in rapture over night When it rains So much to do - so little time If I could erase my little pain To make use of solitude-energy Is easy to say ergo moriendum? Sometimes one needs to deny oneself to make step forwards Sometimes one needs to deny oneself to make step towards... Growth ! I am the omen Of will To survive Of exploring For happiness Of liberation Thru art Of finding sense in Sense - less - ness