One man's life has stalled in needing. Words out loud that want repeating. Fathers passed to sons their craving. Woman's loved their children saving Kings who walk in banners waving still. I have no heart for listening, to the men who talk of peace. They're putting all their nonsense in my way. Won't you please my love, please rest your tired little hands. We've been talking half the night, and there's so much more to say. Mothers asking for this one more time, before their babies come They're misled in the smells of dusty tea Someplace there is better, where time looks nothing turned to stone But the sun is shining yellow, and it's turned to shine on me Someone breathing discontent in the circling vapour light And frozen little soldiers guard their homeland through the night And the million nameless cattle, weather out just one last time And the heartbeat in that aching crowd no it will not beat with mine The answer we're all given, to the base analogy And hither led us all into the war The children who once laughed at this, would breath behind the song It's the season for re-living, but they're living in the heart Someone breathing discontent in the circling vapour light And frozen little soldiers guard their homeland through the night So a million nameless cattle, weather out just one last time And the heartbeat in that aching crowd no it will not beat with mine Hearts all filled of pride and passion Sacrificed in royal nations Stand we here in humble breeding Save the souls who in retreating Prayed for and even needing now.