well,it's high time,revolution time meltdown, Einstein, it's the end of the line the city's aflame in the summertime out on dropzone expressway all of the lost ones lie on parade never forgotten and always afraid feel the nylon,the kiss of her breath in life as well as in death - up against the wall! high time,it's about high time high time,it's about high time wound up tight and poised to strike -high time,it's about high time memories,fever,the red neon light -high time,it's about high time it's all in the eye,not the bark or the bite -high time,it's about high time my dark places,your good night -high time,it's about high time feel the nylon,the kiss of her breath in life as well as in death - up against the wall! high time,it's about high time high time,it's about high time high time,it's about high time high time,it's about high time feel the nylon,the kiss of her breath in life as well as in death - up against the wall!