He held her down. Zero is the center of the universe. Purple alfalfa vetch Small pubescent hairs, sloughed off. How can a man be a man when he can't what he can? Wheel of life, rock of Sisaphis The Open body of a woman At the climax of organism there is a shudder - mostly felt in the stomach - almost identical, but less intense than shudder experienced at the moment of death. Party til she's cute a young man's t-shirt reads Infinity likewise is a verb Small stones begin to rise and float on the water. What strange snake is this that can be sick with fever Are not snakes cold blooded creatures? Like a crowbar in the vagina, ripping to pry loose the pelvis Thus are structure and form now wed In a small cottage, just outside of town a dark and narrow gravel lane so overgrown the leaves touch a passing car with smoke Death the life giver Death the life taker Death the advisor Damned are those who think they have befriended death Death knows nothing of these struggles Unthinking shadow Worthy opponent Challenger of the left A man stands in a doorway of a room in a small white cottage He stalks himself using death Much like a wolf stalks the caraboo He stands himself, watching himself, waiting for himself The meadowlark's call - makes you feel uneasy The unrelenting march of sleep Veterans of subconscious deprivation