Morgana Lefay

Moonlit Night

Morgana Lefay

Moon - dress the lake in silver
Give the night your secret light
And shine on me forever
Dream - let me dream of wonder
Don't wake me up until it's late
When the night and i'm together
Come with me
Stay with me
Come to me
Walk with me
In moonlit night
My shadow become free
Rise - from your daily slumber
Leave your dwells and hideaways
Imbibe the night of silver
You're the mist of air. Lurkin everywhere
Elven kings and elven queens
Shapeless until nightfall
Come with me
Stay with me
Come to me
Walk with me
In moonlit night
Our shadows become free
I - i'm the gnome of darkness
Dead at dawn. At dusk reborn
To wake up magic beings
Soon - morning tears of sunlight
Fills the night like moisty air
And we will fade away again
Come with me
Stay with me
Come to me
Walk with me
In moonlit night
Our shadows become free