feat. Paster Clarence e. McClendon Ah, thank you Jesus You know, I want to take just a moment and speak to you I don't know who you are Or where you are What's going on in your life I do know that sometimes circumstances And situations come against us We ask, "Where is God?" And, "Is there anybody who can help us?" I want you to know that God is not very far from you Whoever you are, wherever you've been Whatever you've done He's right there As close as the breath you just drew As close as the fingers on the end of your hand God is right there He's everywhere But you know, He only comes where He's invited And when you need His help All you've got to do is open your mouth and call out to Him Just tell him yes It's that easy, it's that simple All of the work for Him to come into your life has already been done All you've got to do is just tell Him "Yes"