Key to his hunt, we chased through forests and across plains. While useful, I was beloved. The story is ancient... I could speak of Love as if it had never before been discovered... For to fall in love is to walk through a Golden Doorway To see sights that were once listless and dull Glow with Life. To feel a Fire only known by those New creatures at the next level of evolution... Yet the story is ancient... In every culture, there is the tale of a fabulous Creature That disappears in forests, And a Young Man hunts with an Aimless arrow, or spear, ... A bird is then wounded - Or a deer, wounded - Or A tiger, shot with arrow and wounded - And as he runs to wear he shot the creature, Instead, there lies a woman... And I lay there, my heart ripped open. The Desperation! The ability to suddenly forsake all earlier convictions - To see now the meaninglessness of life's little demands - To let go of physical need and cast off material comforts - To be sick with Love, to shed a third, seventh, or ninth skin - To awaken the Sleeper - The creature within that rages each night Separated from its glowing, raging source of life - To love as such, to be sick with Love, Its black clouds gripping the hills of the high deserts Like a dragon breathing smoke and fire - Some seek only this And fall to a living death when it collapses. Or is this is the intention?