
Get A Real Job


Standing on a corner 
Frozen to the bone 
You have to make a living 
But you'd rather be at home 
Your eyes start getting heavy 
Still you forge on 
Wake up and face the world 

And get a real job 
Get a real job 

You get a little older 
Your bones are brittle and weak 
Dizzy in the morning 
Your pulse is sounding weak 
You hate to go to work 
Just living for a job 
Wake up and smell the coffee 
And get a real job 

Get a real job 
Get a real job 
Get a real job 
Get a real job 

Soon you will retire 
Or maybe have a stroke 
You cannot feel your finger tips 
Because some veins have closed 
But still you drive a hack 
Or push a hot dog cart 
Now it's too late for you 
To get a real job