A name so famous in town Reputation's much bigger than life Nothing can bring your force down And no reason for something to hide? I see you suffer all the time Fear and your wekness, Mr. Lie Hydrophobia Gynophobia Deep inside you are weak and lost Hydrophobia Neophobia In your soul you are sweet and soft A hero, a star and a king With ambitions to conquer the world A fighter, your weapon - a sting Afraid of women, just brave with the girls But I see you crying all the time No hope and no glory, that's Mr. Lie Hydrophobia Gynophobia Deep inside you are weak and lost Hydrophobia Neophobia In your soul you are sweet and soft No hope and no glory, Mr. Lie Hydrophobia Gynophobia Deep inside you are weak and lost Hydrophobia Neophobia In your soul you are sweet and soft