Do you know what is it like, to see the world 
Just through keyhole, no windows at all 
Just silence, my best, only friend 

This is my only world, the world of dark and cold 
Rats are my roommates. The truth never told: 
What did they lock me here for? 

Only thing I can remember 
Dad, watching me, horrified 
"Freak, my son, you are thorn of the rose 
We must let you die." 

World behind the door 
How I miss you all 

The world is so strange through the keyhole, 
looks so deformed. Looks like a twisted play 
of a twisted mind 
Behind the door. 

This is my only world, the world of dark and cold 
Rats are my roommates, the truth never told: 
What did they lock me here for? 

Only thing I can remember 
Dad, watching me, horrified 
"Freak, my son, you are thorn of the rose 
We must let you die." 

World behind the door 
How I hate you all! 


But now I found the way out 
It's so strange, to see the world again 
Blinded by the light 
Unsated thirst for payback drives me insane 

I am the beast that left its lair 
I am the thorn that's gonna stub you 
Therefore I pay the debt 
Keep the change, if you like to 

I am the beast that left its lair 
I am the thorn that's gonna stub you 
Therefore I pay the debt 
Keep the change, if you like to