Tom: D Intro: E E Static, static, static G A We're on a video rage E Static, static, static G A We're on a video rage B G B G We're all blue from projection tubes We're all blue from projection tubes E E This is the static age we live in Our eyes criss-cross, hold and gaze This is the static age we live in Breathe in Catch your radiation blue disease and turning, tossing This is a static age Our very static age This is a static age E Static, static, static G A We're on a video rage E Static, static, static G A We're on a video rage B G B G And we're all blue from projection tubes We're all blue from projection tubes Riff 1 e|----------------------------| b|----------------------------| g|----------------------------| d|-22222222-------------------| a|-22222222-55555555-7777777--| E|-00000000-33333333-5555555--| x 2 Riff 2: e|--------------------------| b|--------------------------| g|--------------------------| d|--------------------------| a|-44444-33333-44444-33333--| E|-22222-11111-22222-11111--| x's 2 Riff 3: guitar 1 guitar 2 e|------------------|---------------------------------| b|------------------|-0-11-00-3-4-0--0-1111-2222-0000-| g|------------------|---------------------------------| d|-222222222222222--|---------------------------------| a|-222222222222222--|---------------------------------|